It’s really simple to make a referral and we will work quickly to get your student on role with us
To start the process, please call us on 0118 9712 769 or email to discuss the requirements of your student(s) and to check our availability.
This is the process for enrolling your student onto an Outdoor Academy Programme:
1:1 Intensive Support
- Student Referral Form and Individual Risk Assessment completed and returned.
- We will send copies of relevant documentation.
- We will conduct a home or school visit to meet your student and their parent(s) or guardian(s).
- Medical Consent Form completed.
- Student and parent/guardian to sign behavioural contract.
Alternative Curriculum
- We will meet the Coordinator to discuss student needs, interests and goals.
- We will send copies of relevant documentation.
- Organisation to ensure Medical Consent Forms are completed before the first programmed session.
6 Week Development Course
- We will meet the Coordinator to discuss student needs, interests and goals.
- We will provide relevant documentation.
- Organisation to ensure Medical Consent Forms are completed before the first programmed session.